Stay safe in the heat

2:47pm - 13 July 2022

An extreme weather warning is in place this weekend so please check-in with loved ones, family, friends and neighbours, and especially those who might be more vulnerable.

Temperatures soared earlier this week so The Met Office has issued an amber alert for our area Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, meaning there could be a danger to life or potential serious illness from the heat.

Today (Friday), this has been upgraded to a grade 4 red alert for some parts of the country. This is the first time a red alert has been used, meaning a risk to life is likely as temperatures could hit 40C. The government has declared it a national emergency.

The heat can cause serious problems for some people so please remember:

  • stay well hydrated, drink plenty of cold drinks and take water with you on journeys. Avoid excess alcohol as it’ll dehydrate you
  • stay out of the sun between 11am and 3pm, when UV rays are strongest
  • if you need to go out, wear sunscreen with a high SPF, a hat, shades and walk in the shade. Regularly reapply your sunscreen
  • check to see if your sunscreen is still effective. The longer a bottle is open, the less effective it is at protecting you
  • avoid exercising during the hottest part of the day
  • stay cool indoors and keep your home cool. Follow the Beat the Heat checklist 
  • never leave anyone in a closed parked vehicle, especially babies, children and animals
  • stay connected and pay attention to weather forecasts – knowing the forecast can help you plan ahead
  • look out for signs of heatstroke, in yourself and others. Find out more about heatstroke on the NHS website.


Put your recycling out earlier

Recycling and waste crews are now starting their rounds earlier to avoid working in the heat of the day.

Due to the extremely hot weather, crews are now starting at 6am so please put your containers by that time on your scheduled collection day.

Crews will work from 6am until the end of July.

Stay updated with the team on Facebook.