Free training to tackle the climate emergency

9:00am - 20 October 2023

Kickstart your journey to net zero and help make North Somerset a healthier, happier and greener place to live and work.

We’re marking global Carbon Literacy Action Day on Monday 4 December by hosting a free training day for local people and businesses.

Carbon literacy is the understanding of the causes and impacts of our everyday greenhouse gas emissions.

This fundamental awareness offers a starting point for making real change in the way we tackle the climate emergency, as individuals, a community or organisation.

This free Carbon Literacy training, which usually costs £125 per person, will help you understand the implications of climate change, how to save energy costs, and inspire you to make changes both at home and work.

We remain committed to tackling the climate emergency and are continuing to work towards becoming a carbon neutral area by 2030, despite the recent rollback in the UK government’s net zero goals.

There will be a line-up of industry-specific guest speakers during the free event at the Winter Gardens in Weston-super-Mare.

Register your interest on our website.

The training has been funded through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.