Pier to Pier Way nears completion

9:00am - 17 May 2024

The long-awaited Pier to Pier Way is nearing completion and is due to open by the end of June.

Fencing, signage and path works have nearly finished on the 13-mile cycle route linking Weston-super-Mare and Clevedon, and we are working hard on the final safety checks needed to get the route open for the summer.

The route, which forms the central section of the North Somerset Coastal Towns Cycle Route, is aimed at commuters, leisure users and tourists.

It features quiet roads and traffic-free sections and once open will provide the missing link in a high-quality route from Brean to Clevedon.

A short missing link is also due to be built over the coming year at North End, Yatton, to connect the Strawberry Line with the Pier to Pier Way.

This means you’ll be able to avoid the busy and narrow B3133.

This has been a complex project to deliver, as the path required a new bridge at Tutshill.

This created physical and financial challenges, resulting in unavoidable delays.

 Updates on the opening date will be published on our website, as well as Facebook and X.

Pick up an active travel map 

Plan your journeys across North Somerset with the help of our dedicated travel maps.

Download copies of maps from the Better By Bike website or pick up printed copies of the updated North Somerset Cycle Map from libraries and other outlets.

A dedicate Pier to Pier Way map will also be available very soon.

Safety improvements across North Somerset

Improvements have been carried out across North Somerset to help make routes safer for cyclists and pedestrians. 

  • Festival Way – improvements have been made to key crossings and on-road links between Nailsea and Flax Bourton. These include a new ‘Tiger’ crossing – a Zebra crossing for pedestrians and cyclists – across Trendlewood Way. The speed limit has also reduced to 40mph along the on-road sections of the route. 
  • Crossing signals – sixty-three crossings have been changed to reduce waiting times for pedestrians, helping people move around on foot, and reduce ‘phantom’ signal presses. 
  • School streets – seven roads outside school entrances have been closed to vehicles at drop-off and pick-up times, to help children travel more safely and actively to schools. A new Zebra crossing has been installed across Milton Road, in Weston-super-Mare. 
  • Weston Central Liveable Neighbourhood – through-traffic has been reduced in this residential neighbourhood to help more people walk, wheel or cycle around the area. A new Zebra crossing has also been installed across Ashcombe Road.