Have your say on home to school transport

9:00am - 14 February 2025

A fairer, more sustainable and supportive home to school transport service is currently being designed and we want your views.

Demand for post-16 home to school transport has risen significantly over the last few years so we want to make sure resources are used fairly and efficiently, while helping to promote independence and self-sufficiency for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

We’ve been working with schools, families and young people to develop more sustainable travel solutions for young people aged 16 and over.

This includes supporting sustainable travel options such as public transport and personal travel allowances, as well as independent travel training.

We also want to support young people’s move into adulthood by equipping them with essential life skills.

A consultation on post-16 home to school transport has now launched and you have until 5pm on Monday 17 March to have your say.

Anyone can respond to the consultation but we’re particularly keen on hearing from parents and carers of SEND students who are currently in, or about to enter, post-16 provision.

We want to know how the proposed changes may impact your family, how we can improve sustainable and active travel options across North Somerset, how travel training can be effectively introduced and how we can support our most vulnerable young people in continuing to access education.

Complete the survey online or speak to the travel team at an upcoming in-person event:

  • Tuesday 25 February, 6pm-8pm - Weston College, Hans Price Conference Centre (attached to Knightstone Campus)
  • Wednesday 26 February, 3.15pm-5.15pm - Westhaven School
  • Thursday 27 February, 6pm-8pm - North Somerset Parent Carer Forum, The Firs (Autism / ADHD)
  • Monday 3 March, 7pm-9pm - North Somerset Parent Carer Forum supported online session

More information about home to school transport is available on our website.