A seven-week public consultation launched last month to review and redesign the scheme that provides Council Tax support to residents in North Somerset. This is just one of the measures being considered as we continue with plans to balance our budget.
About 11,400 local households on low incomes are currently helped through the scheme, of which about 6,000 are of working age.
These working-age households liable for Council Tax can get up to 75.5 per cent of the charge paid for them through the scheme.
The proposed simplified version would primarily impact these working-age residents, who are typically aged between 16 and 66.
Two options have been developed and we would like your feedback on both.
We’re committed to supporting our most vulnerable residents and providing the financial help they need, but we also need to ensure the scheme remains affordable.
The outcome of this consultation will help us review how the scheme could be redesigned to meet the needs of residents, while streamlining our costs and aligning with schemes in other local authority areas.
The consultation is open until 5pm on Friday 3 January.
A final decision will be made at the Full Council meeting on Tuesday 18 February.
If approved, it will be implemented in the new financial year, from Tuesday 1 April.
Email consultation@n-somerset.gov.uk for an accessible version of the consultation.